Landing Pages Explained: The What and How

May 9, 2023

Landing Pages: What You Need to Know

Are you using landing pages effectively within your digital marketing strategy?

If not, this article is a great place for you to begin familiarizing yourself with how a great landing page can benefit the development of your business.

If you already have some experience with the implementation of landing pages, there are a number of key optimization tips within this reading that can help you improve the success rates of your advertising efforts.

Some of the focal points we’ll be discussing here are:

  • what a landing page is
  • the key elements of a successful landing page
  • effective uses of landing pages
  • how to drive more traffic to your landing pages


Ready to learn more about how landing pages can positively impact your business? Read on to find out!


blurred view of a laptop over a navy blue makes the background, where the question "What is a Landing Page?" left aligned in the captioned graphic. The Blue Canopy Marketing blue gradient logo is featured in the bottom left.
Understanding what exactly a landing page is and the purpose it serves for the success of your business.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a standalone web page in which a visitor “lands” after they perform an action, such as clicking on a link or following a QR link for example.

It is common to find landing pages linked to

  • online advertising campaigns as the web page you are directed to once you click on an ad
  • a QR code that is placed on print promotional materials
  • a sign-up web page
  • pop up form on a website
  • incentivized lead magnet/capture
  • blogs/online articles


and for good reason!

Given these standalone web pages are designed to appeal to a specific, target audience, it is within an advertiser’s best interest to direct their ads toward a personalized destination. 

Consumers want to feel seen and heard for who they are and what they need/want. Communicating on a deeper, more customized level is excellent for cultivating stronger connections with potential leads.

This is what makes an optimally designed landing page so effective. It makes the reader feel as though they are reading a message that was intended solely for them, something they can directly relate to.


Image of a website content outline blurred slightly into a navy blue background with the caption "The Anatomy of a Landing Page" The Blue Canopy Marketing blue gradient logo is featured in the bottom left corner.
While your landing pages should be uniquely crafted with your brand and target audience in mind, there are some nonnegotiable elements that you should always include within the design of your pages.

Key Elements of Successful Landing Pages

The central goal when designing a landing page is to optimize it to a degree that boosts conversions and encourages visitors to take the action(s) that you want them to take.

Businesses that effectively meet the marketing goals they set out to accomplish with their landing page don’t just throw their page together and hope for the best. Achieving successful results with this form of marketing strategy is possible when you apply these landing page nonnegotiables to your design:

  • Gripping headline
  • Supporting headline statement
  • Clear, unique selling proposition
  • Relevant visuals – photo and/or video
  • Easy-to-understand, scannable content
  • Emphasis on the benefits
  • Problem/solution
  • Strong call to actions throughout – beginning, middle, and end
  • Strong closing argument that explains why the consumer should trust you


Two girls are looking at a digital device, smiling. Their image is blurred a bit into a navy blue background. The caption "Effective Uses of Landing Pages" is left aligned within the image and the Blue Canopy Marketing blue gradient logo is featured in the left bottom corner.
How can you most efficiently make use of a landing page for the best chance at success?

Effective Uses for Landing Pages

Once you have an optimized landing page assembled, it’s time to begin implementing it in your marketing strategy. Directing your ideal audience toward your landing page can take some trial and error in finding what methods work the best for you.

  • Collect emails through a newsletter sign-up form or free download offer.
  • Direct users toward the purchase of a specific product, service, or offer. This option is great for those of you that sell products online.
  • Educate users on who you are as a brand and how you can benefit the reader’s life with your services.


A bar graph with an arrow pointing upward and to the right depicting an upward trend. The caption "Methods for Driving Traffic to a Landing Page" appears boldly in white in the right section of the image. The Blue Canopy Marketing blue gradient photo is featured in the bottom left corner.
Creating the best landing page in the world means nothing if you are not taking the necessary steps to get your audience there.

How to Drive More Traffic to a Landing Page

After creating a stellar landing page, your work is not done! The next step toward your success will be driving user interaction and engagement toward the page you just created.

There are many routes you can take to get more eyes to the destination you want them to go. Whether you decide to pursue paid or non-paid methods, we have a list of effective options for both.


Boosting Landing Page Traffic with Paid Methods:

  • Social media advertising on platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook is a great place to start targeting your ideal customer and placing your landing page in front of the right people.
    • Retargeting audiences from past campaigns can be very effective here.
  • Investing in paid search ads on Google could be a game-changer in how much attention you draw toward your landing page.
  • Think outside the box with paid sponsorships.


Boosting Landing Page Traffic Organically:

  • Send an email campaign to your list of customers prompting them to visit the page with call-to-actions and link-out buttons to make the page more accessible for them to reach.
  • Regularly publish engaging social media posts that link to your landing page.
  • Apply internal links throughout your website that can direct visitors to your landing page.


Now that you have the tools to implement landing pages effectively, apply them to your marketing strategy and see just how far it could take your business!


Thanks for reading!

Interested in learning more about how to better market your business? Check out MARKETING TRENDS TO PLAN FOR IN 2023 or 5 SIGNS IT’S TIME TO OUTSOURCE YOUR MARKETING


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Blue Canopy Marketing's overview of digital marketing services. Logo is featured at the top of the image with a caption below the logo reading "concierge marketing company for any business large or small". Six services are featured within boxes, website development, social media, brand identity, email marketing, seo campaigns, and website maintenance.
Blue Canopy Marketing’s strategic marketing services.


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